Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A back injury and my weakness almost derails my 90 Day Challenge Goal!

I want to be transparent with my challenge as of the last 4 weeks!
4 weeks ago I weighed in at 257:) one 1/2 lb a way from my goal of 256.5:),

If you remember I started my 90 Day Zeal For Life Body Transformationon January 19th weighing in at a whopping 276.5lbs. :( I attended a Zurvita Super Saturday Dallas Regional Event along with Fired Up Scott Hammons
who drove down from Nebraska and Fired Up Eric Ashworth who drove upfrom Conroe TX, "Houston Metro,lol." We met Friday afternoon on the 23rdof March attended a Business Presentation that evening I had one guest that attended also Jo Simms from Tuscon, AZ who is currently working in Texasselling roofs! Jo joined our the Team the following week! Anyway back to the
fessing up. The plan was to attend the Super Saturday Event then for Eric & Scottto spend the night at our home in Richardson and in the morning Eric would drive back to Conroe and Scott & myself would drive to Nebraska, which we all did! Safe trips all around. The purpose of my driving to Nebraska was to work with
Scott & Shelly doing some Challenge Parties. Monday morning the 26th I woke up bent over looking into my suit case for my walking shorts etc. and I felt something go in my back. I didn't think much of it I completed 30 minutes on the air bike and
about a 45 minute walk and felt great, except for a little something in my back. Little did I know that would be my last work out for 4 weeks. The next morning I was in excruciating pain and could barely walk or move. The next three days after were pretty
rough, Finally on the 4th day I thought it might help if I laid on my stomach on the floor thinking maybe whatever went out would work its way back in, boy was I wrong Scott came home mid afternoon and I got up to follow him to the kitchen, I turned to
walk away and felt like had been hit with a cattle prod, thats a country taser, and I hit my knees, I got up took 2 steps and it happened again, up one more time and it happened
again. Probably one of the most painful episodes physically I've ever experienced in my life. Over the next couple days I doubled up on my Zeal doses because of the inflamatory
testimonies I've heard, although I hate taking pain pills of any kind I did take some ibuprofin. Seemed to help but was still was there. Over the week and half it seemed to get better
but still only at times, mornings were the worst. I flew home to Texas feeling about the same any long term sitting would really wear me out. Fast forward 2 weeks to this last
Sunday in the morning as I was waking up in bed I felt from the top of my back to about 3/4 of the way down like a tapping or adjusting then I think I arched and I felt a pop in
the lower back right where all the pain had been. I felt really good all day, then Monday I woke up for the 1st time feeling no pain at all like nothing had ever happened. So good in fact I walked 3.5miles in the afternoon! Tuesday was has been so far a mirror of Monday. Here's for the fessing up, the enitire time from when it happened besides drinking my zeal once or twice per day I ate with TOTAL DISREGARD FOR MY CHALLENGE, I never
weighed myself again until Monday before I walked, remember going into the Super Saturday Event I was the last time I had weighed and actually it was the Saturday morning of the event
because I woke up at 5:15 and walked into a complete ghost town of a lobby to find the gym I was literally the only Hotel guest Up!!! I had an Awesome cardio work out! 20 minutes on the eliptical, 20 minutes on the bike and 35 minutes jogging on the treadmill finally the last 5 minutes of my workout another person showed up! Thats the morning I weighed 257lbs. So back to Monday I had told myself because of being totally off my eating and workout
plan that I would not weigh in until I was able to start up again. I have to admit I was not looking forward to the weighin. I weighed in before my walk at 263lbs, not near as bad as I thought but still you can imagine if it went longer where it could have been. So now I'm in my last 4 days of my 1st 90 Day Zeal For Life Body Transformation Challenge More Focused and Determined than Ever Before On seeing the Scale Read 256.5 on or before 4/19! Today after my 3.5 mile walk I weighed in at 259lbs! I 'll let you know Thrsday the 19th where I AM it will be 256.5lbs or lower! I've got some Big Plans on the Paper for My Next 90 Days Starting on the 20th! Totally stoked at where I will be at the end of the next 90 Days! See You On Thursday!
Stay Focused & Stay Fired Up!!!

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